Constipation is the pits, and it happens to everyone at some point. When you transition from a typical diet into a clean eating gut rejuvenating type diet, you might experience constipation. It’s fairly common because all of a sudden your body is getting food it’s not used to.
When constipation strikes try these natural remedies. Eventually your body and digestion will adjust to your new awesome eating style. In the meantime…
Lemon Water
Freshly squeezed lemon juice is great for relieving constipation. It’s rich in enzymes and highly acidic which can help stimulate your digestive system to move things along. Increasing the amount of water you drink is a well known constipation remedy, but adding lemon juice will make it extra effective.
Senna Tea
Senna is a powerful laxative herb and works exceptionally well for relieving short term constipation. It’s so effective that it’s often prescribed before colonoscopies and other procedures of that nature.
The active ingredient in senna is a compound called sennosides which irritates the intestinal lining so much that it forces contractions in the bowel. Like any laxative, you need to be careful to not depend on it because you don’t want your body to get too used to having an external aid. However for a short period taking senna to relieve constipation is totally fine.
Flax Tea
Flax is one of the best seeds for getting things moving in the bowels. It’s pretty useless whole, but once you grind it into a powder and mix it with water, magic happens. It’s important to consume only freshly ground flax because the oils are prone to quick oxidation meaning they easily go rancid.
The reason flax works so well for constipation is its high mucilage content. Mucilage is a slimy substance that helps to lubricate the colon and intestinal lining. Along with a good amount of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, flax seeds are a wholesome alternative to commercial constipation supplements.
To make flax tea, grind 1 Tablespoon of flax seeds and mix with 1 Cup of warm (not hot) water. You can add lemon and honey to flavor and enjoy!
Add all ingredients to your blender and process until super smooth.
If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion and boosting your energy then check out my new comprehensive program Restore your Gut Health, details here. In the program you get a ton of delicious satisfying recipes as well as strategies that will help rebuild your intestinal flora.