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Type 3 package

Type 3 package

Includes Type 3 treatment as per the Recode protocol:


- Heavy metal hair test

- Mycotoxin profile

- Heavy metal protocol

- Shoemaker biotoxin protocol

- MARCONS protocol


Some toxins are "dementogens" — in other words, they may cause dementia. Examples are some metals such as mercury, some organic chemicals, and some biotoxins such as mycotoxins (toxins produced by specific molds).

Type 3 is quite different from types 1, 1.5, and 2, and often presents with features other than (or in addition to) memory loss, such as depression, problems calculating, organizing, following instructions, or finding words. Type 3 is associated with exposure to toxins (“dementogens”) such as mercury, high copper levels, anesthetics, mycotoxins (toxins produced by molds), or tick-related toxins (e.g., from Lyme disease). Risk for type 3 is increased by a poor
detoxification system (e.g., due to reduced function of liver or kidneys or poor methylation or low glutathione level), constipation, air pollution, exposure to smoke, repeated exposure to fish with high mercury levels, toxins from specific molds (Stachybotrys, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, and Wallemia), pesticides, herbicides (such as weed killer), and other toxic exposures.

Type 3, toxic Alzheimer's, is the most complicated type, and unfortunately is also very common. Therefore, there is no single test for type 3 Alzheimer’s risk, since we need to evaluate the chance of exposure to hundreds of different toxins. These fall into 3 general categories: metallotoxins (like mercury) and other inorganics (such as those from air pollution), organic toxins (like formaldehye or toluene or glyphosate), and biotoxins (like trichothecenes or ochratoxin


To get an idea of risk for type 3, we look at many different parameters, such as liver function (since many of the toxins affect the liver as well as the brain), kidney function, blood cells, direct measurements of toxins, and other parameters.



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