ENVIROtox toxicity panel
Every day, we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals through products like pharmaceuticals, pesticides, packaged foods, household products, and environmental pollution. As we have become more accustomed to chemical-laden products, and as our environment has become more contaminated, we have been confronted with an accelerating rate of chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, chemical sensitivity, Autism Spectrum Disorders, AD(H)D, autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
The ENVIROtox Panel will give you a comprehensive look at a patient’s current toxic chemical burden, as well as any resulting oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial damage. Bundling these three tests together provides a more economical way of getting all of this invaluable information, and just from one urine sample. From there, we can provide you with recommendations on how to avoid future exposures and how to best detoxify the body of these toxins. Because exposure to environmental pollutants has been linked to many chronic diseases, The Great Plains Laboratory has created its ENVIROtox Panel, a group of tests specifically designed to assess exposure to common environmental toxins and the damage that can be caused by this exposure. This panel includes three tests, all of which can be done from one urine sample.
Organic Acids Test
The Organic Acids Test has 76 markers and gives you a metabolic snapshot of a patient’s health. It includes specific markers for oxidative stress and inflammation, such as quinolinic acid and pyroglutamic acid, which are often elevated in either acute or chronic toxic chemical exposure and/or when the body is not properly detoxifying chemicals. It also includes a marker for succinic acid, which is highly correlated with toxic chemical exposure.
GPL-TOX tests for over 173 different chemicals including organophosphate pesticides, phthalates, benzene, xylene, vinyl chloride, pyrethrin insecticides, and others. This profile also includes Tiglylglycine (TG), a marker for mitochondrial disorders resulting from mutations of mitochondrial DNA. These mutations can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, infections, inflammation, and nutritional deficiencies.
Glyphosate Test
Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide and is the primary ingredient in RoundUpTM. In addition, it is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is used in more than 700 different products from agriculture and forestry to home use. The World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer published a summary in March 2015 that classified glyphosate as a probable carcinogen in humans.